Monday, February 9, 2015

Thoughts on being "happy"

A week ago I got do a happy dance because there was only 100 days until I get to marry Kyle. I also started the 100 Happy Days Challenge (more info at 

I knew it would be tough for me. I'm not a fan of constantly posting on social media and I absolutely hate bragging about how AMAZING life is. Life has been  full of transitions and tough decisions lately. I just felt like I was kind of lost in a weird funk. 

This challenge was going to be just that...a challenge. A challenge to look at life and see the bright side again and a challenge to be content with where God has placed me right now. 

It's so easy to want what we don't have and not want what we do have. This past week I've been looking for the moments that make me happiest and have found so many things that truly make my day. 
My whole perspective is changing and it's been like night and day. I'm finding happiness in places and people I didn't expect! God brought me to the moments I'm in for a reason and I can enjoy this journey or pout in the corner. I'm definitely excited to see what the next 93 days has in store. There's a lot of uncertainty but I'm going to chose joy! 

Monday, April 19, 2010

Busy busy busy...

I always have time to procrastinate.
The rest of my semester is going to be a whirllllwind. If I survive this week it will be amazing.
Tonight I should be studying for my Stats test tomorrow. I believe it's pointless to study right now since I can't understand anything from before Spring Break anyways..
I still have two critiques to write for Theatre Appreciation and a 12 page research paper to basically start. Plus 15 hours to complete in my lab class.
SCUBA is getting intense because it's time to apply everything for our certifications! Exciting but scary...going to the ocean Saturday and Sunday!
Then Women in the Arts journals are due Wednesday and then a research project...and I'm working every free moment...which I love doing, but I'm just tired and distracted and if I really stop to think about the amount of work that needs to be completed I get sort of panicked and stop thinking logically.
Like now...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


I am such a liar. I keep saying, "I'll blog more..." but do I?
Obviously not. I think part of me is scared of offending someone.
It doesn't really matter. I have an opinion and I respect other people's opinions.
That doesn't mean that I can't express how I feel.

In light of all that- this is me.

When I describe myself, I think, "Who is this? She sounds like a strange redneck."
Here are the facts. This is what I know:
I was homeschooled for all but three years of my life until I graduated from high school.
I was in 4-H for 12 years.
I shoot...and I am "good shot" with a .22 rifle.
I raise and show Dairy Goats. Thats where most of my money goes. I started with just one when I was 14 and almost six years later I have six of them.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The awkward smiley :]

Hmm. It's been awhile.

New things:

-School started- 15 units and I intend to keep all of them!
I'm taking: Step Aerobics (dangerous for me), Intermediate Algebra (mentally dangerous for me), Social Psychology (funny), Small Group Communication (the best!), and ASL 2nd Semester (review...).

-I was attacked by some bugs and ended up looking pretty crappy this week (the first week of classes). They're finally starting to go away! One of our regular customers at work thought they were hickeys...and then he proceeded to suggest that someone I work with gave them to me. Oh no! That wasn't awkward at all!

-Ingrid Michaelson is one of my new favorite artists...lyrics like, "I cannot find the heart I gave to you." ("Glass") and "I have come to learn I'll only see you interrupting me dreams.." (The Hat)" "I never thought that I would be the fall overboard just so you can catch me" ("Overboard") They're just sweet catchy songs...

-I've discovered something unsettling about my relationship with someone. Although I know it would be easier to just let it be... I'm determined to fix it.

-My hair is reddish the past I've love it this color, but lately it doesn't feel right. I attempted to explain this to someone and failed.

-"I want to leave a legacy...How will they remember me? Did I choose to love?" ("Legacy"- Nicole Nordeman)

This song is once again running through my head...I need to live as though I will die tomorrow.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Prodigals, Cats and Me.

Its not like I'm forgetting.
I'll randomly start typing a blog and I'll 1) Get distracted or 2) Not feel like I have anything worthwhile to say.

I still don't really have anything important to say and honestly, I am bit distracted.

Lately I've really been attached to the story of the prodigal son in the Bible.
I blame it on my cat, Ginger. He is supposed to be an indoor cat because really it is safer for him. There is one cat in particular in my neighborhood that I've nicknamed "Toto" because the first time I saw him on our fence I thought he was small dog and I could not figure out how this little dog got on the fence.

Anyways...Ginger wants to do his own thing although he has been beat up before. One night I come home late and see him on our front porch and pick him up to take him inside but I need to get my keys out of my purse so I put him down. I turn around and he is a good distance away.

I drop my purse on the porch and call him. He looks at me and runs away. So I chase him. I love my cat and I don't want him getting hurt.

This chase goes around my whole house..I get scraped because I am Liz and that sort of thing happens. I angrily give up and go inside my house and get ready to sleep.

Alas! An hour later I hear this crying on the porch. Ginger is hungry and wants to come in but when I open the door he knows that he wasn't being obedient because he starts to leave again.
After a little coaching he comes in. After he eats a little and uses his litter box he climbs into my lap and starts to purr.

He reminds me of the prodigal son and his actions remind me of my own. I run from God until I need His assistance. He always opens the door and embraces me and welcomes me home.

Who would've thought that God would use my stubborn cat to show me how deep His love is?

Monday, March 9, 2009

Growing up.

I'd rather not grow up anymore.

I like this whole maturing thing, but the expectations that go with it are annoying.
I'm comfortable and happy with where I am right now.
Yes, I live at home.
Yes, I'm at a Community College (oh, *gasp!*)
Yes, at I work at a place that many teenagers do as well.
No, I don't really have a set major.
No, I don't have a clue what I'm going to do with myself in one week so asking me my plans for 10 years from now isn't going to help!

I've discovered that I can transfer to a 4 year college next year. It's very exciting but sort of freaking me out too. The idea of eventually graduating is looming.